Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Rh Negative And Lupus
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Nosebroken Capillaries
For that, we headed for the jevi Soto and I, and in the car tells me , "Fuck dude I have a hangover and I nothing fancy, "it began. But anyway, we arrived at the Centre and to go ..... I miss joerrr, and in the parking lot turn on the GPS, and good news we are over Track.
started to walk and confuses me, nothing sim problems, GPS works and lso joke Iogrea maps is the best of the best. Well, that for the Hole, the terrain and the scenery is spectacular, see the pedriza from behind is very nice, and the rivers are plenty of water, the happens jevi one foot wet and seems to be hustler, first ramps Hoya, which is really steep jevi to be low, good only momentarily, we keep a good pace and above the track GPS either.
Overcome la Hoya, down the road from the Source del Cura, from there we will ascend to Morcuera, there my pace becomes more tiring, but shooting, jevi be cleared of all goes like a bullet, that if we advance from time to time licrosos with rigid, one must recognize that these guys come up from the milk, then the fall is another story lol.
stopped to eat a bar, and address the last part of climb, climb a little and there a dilemma lies ahead, we continue to make the asphalt road push bike or do the shortcut, we take the atajao and pushing petamos only are 800 meters, but damn what it costs, we are finally up.
where we walked down DH and I with more caution than normal because I'm very peta, the jevi seen to enjoy in the descent, handles much better than the Bhit SX and down very fast. Arrival
go to the Source of Healing and now plays trace the track about two miles up the trail disfruton, but what the hell is wrong with the GPS? has been blocked and can not find the path, you have to know very well to catch and also the entrance is almost hidden by vegetation, these rains ... reset the GPS and get the track again, is a paste jevi down and and wants to go down there ..... not that comes to Miraflores .... upload some more ..... and appears on the track.
We take the path, which incidentally has mud on the top and get off, you will jevi molando, take the cut and is jumping from stone to stone as pork from flower to flower.
Otro despiste en un desvio, pero sim problemas, el Isma lo tiene en el Track como alternativa, y mas trialera jejeje, llegamos a otro desvio y el Jevi que ve un cartel que pone "A Soto" quiere tirar por alli, Tu haz caso al Track del Isma (Iogrea) que este tio es un crack del GPS, y con razon camino estrechito entre vayas de piedra con mucha agua y muy muy divertido, y por fin Soto, callejeamos segun el Track para que la ruta sea completamente circular y el coche......y para casita con una sonriza de oreja a oreja, no hay hamburguesa que estamos ahorrando para el finde que viene.
Bueno, una ruta muy muy completa, con subidas largas y bajadas rapidas y divertidas, un dia de lujo (quizas con un poco de calor), y un poco pétantes for me the truth, although I wanted more lol jevi
35.8 km, and 1150 meters of altitude gained, which is not bad, and it is to climb from Soto Morcuera requires effort and sacrifice, but worth it ..... a Paulaner afternoon I've earned the ...... For
What To Study For To Be In Eod
Morcuera Hoyo Soto-fire. Dh
ete here that piramos jevi and I make a Hole-rutilla, but adding the Fire Department, the lechon that do not know, I say, I will surely lose and if not the time.
Well that changed as we called Kiros that points, which hopefully in the water tank.
jevi Salimo the pace and I arrived at the warehouse, the couple lined Trileros s without problems we rise viewpoint. Added
with more kick for my part as desired, stick on the veranda, and down the mediomirador Trialeras of this dust by rain check whenever I like less. Disfruton narrow path and purpose of the loop in the Berzosa.
lined up to Fire and Kiros jevi and love the way down, and there as I said above, because I'm wrong and I lost valley, kicking up the river, the last survivor and I thank my horientacion meeting output valley is a mousetrap. We arrived at the natural scenery of the film of "A Fistful of Dollars" and headed for Hole, where we give a banquet (carillo course) of beef on the grill, so if the waiter is pulled royo and invites us to all the liquor we want to drink that much ..... lol.
Of this there is photos, and it is unfortunate that jevi face in the valley was a poem jejejeje
Well that changed as we called Kiros that points, which hopefully in the water tank.
jevi Salimo the pace and I arrived at the warehouse, the couple lined Trileros s without problems we rise viewpoint. Added
with more kick for my part as desired, stick on the veranda, and down the mediomirador Trialeras of this dust by rain check whenever I like less. Disfruton narrow path and purpose of the loop in the Berzosa.
lined up to Fire and Kiros jevi and love the way down, and there as I said above, because I'm wrong and I lost valley, kicking up the river, the last survivor and I thank my horientacion meeting output valley is a mousetrap. We arrived at the natural scenery of the film of "A Fistful of Dollars" and headed for Hole, where we give a banquet (carillo course) of beef on the grill, so if the waiter is pulled royo and invites us to all the liquor we want to drink that much ..... lol.
Of this there is photos, and it is unfortunate that jevi face in the valley was a poem jejejeje
Customised Silverado Trucks
in San Pablo of the mountains 2010
As I have decided not to compete, because I'm of San Pablo Miranda, there met with a few to see the DH, in addition to seeing all the people walking around there, old rivals but friends, the circuit this year has some variation, but still very very fun, plus The cuck is what Curran death.
see the race and we will see the antennas, a landscape of luxury and then marinated with beers fawn .... que rico
As I have decided not to compete, because I'm of San Pablo Miranda, there met with a few to see the DH, in addition to seeing all the people walking around there, old rivals but friends, the circuit this year has some variation, but still very very fun, plus The cuck is what Curran death.
see the race and we will see the antennas, a landscape of luxury and then marinated with beers fawn .... que rico
How To Access Digital Playground
Dh with Transition
Well, that, as the jevi not know the Morcuera downs, then Laura takes us there to make us a lift.
Descents I do fast and smoothly release the breastplate Alpinestar that together with the Neck and doing great.
Around noon we decided to throw for close to see if we Garro bike, but when we got it already has pyre, we make a descent with some Patalis and BPS and how it soaked us to the Sidreria piramos Morale .. rich .... hehehe
Well, that, as the jevi not know the Morcuera downs, then Laura takes us there to make us a lift.
Descents I do fast and smoothly release the breastplate Alpinestar that together with the Neck and doing great.
Around noon we decided to throw for close to see if we Garro bike, but when we got it already has pyre, we make a descent with some Patalis and BPS and how it soaked us to the Sidreria piramos Morale .. rich .... hehehe
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Brazilian Wax,madison,wi
INTERVIEW Hellbilly Club of Marco Mutant
We consider
You carry more than a decade on the road, with an average of two albums a year Is it so hard to keep a journey from the Underground?
because the truth is yes .. hard at trying to enter the 'front door' in the music market ... Also we love doing what we do and that compensates.
Faces Zombie you show in a more raw sound and your look to Europe trends Does this mean a shift in the direction of the band or simply wanted to show the dark side of Hellbilly Club?
is simply a parenthesis. Faces Zombie actually goes a bit against our principles. Always try to innovate within the psychobilly / rockabilly. We never wanted to sound like this or that or do this way or that way, because it abounds too much and because we do not go with us. Zombie Faces But we have a sort of nod to old-school psychobilly, a little to meet part of our musical tastes and to pay homage to this style and their fans outraged by new psychobilly bands that mix metal and styles and so pissed off the purists:) .. But as I say, is only a parenthesis.
I guess maybe you can not get many trick in this, do not you think that the characteristics of the disc could have been a good idea to edit it in vinyl ...
in this case depends on the label and personally we would have loved, but to edit it on vinyl, you do it even more underground ... who knows, maybe it is a reissue on vinyl in the future ..
The only variable since Hellbilly Club seems to be the drummer. As I have understood, Rafa Berrakero is no longer with you and play with you again David Raya right? Would you give a hard time with Marc battery level, Rafa or David and also enjoy a style so defined?
because the truth is yes. The problem is that no holdings of 16 years and is difficult to find someone who has skills, conpromiso, time, desire and not Talladega. We had a lot of batteries, at least ten or twelve, and we found everything ... some played well but were just unpresentable .. and sometimes the reverse. I hope David Raya is final.
Throughout your career you have had several parallel bands, some nearly as Hellbilly Spin Offs Surfin 'Club "Tennis is an urgent need to show your tastes extraHellbillies? Do you open the doors to these bands new scenarios? How is the currency of Atomic Leopards? Hellbilly
Surfin 'Club band was more than other brackets for a single concert and band instruments. Unfortunately it does not 'see light' as it has suspended the only show that he would do under that name next June in Calella. Regarding the other bands that we parallel, now both David and I are with Martin Degville Sigue Sigue Sputnik and Atomic Leopards. We really have many musical tastes than the rockabilly and psychobilly ... In fact we can get to like almost anything if we 'get', as the case of Sigue Sigue Sputnik, which is rather r'n'r mail .. . Atomic Leopards is the style that initially more influenced us and that is all I really do not have HC as a classic cliches. Neorockabilly We love the 80's in the wave Stray Cats and the Polecats mixed with 60's, blues, etc ... is a band that also started as fun and we ended up taking it a bit more seriously. We have finished recording other album (the third) and will be released soon also Raucous Records. Most of the tracks are versions, as we let our inspiration as composers will side towards HC.
In the last few years have seen new generations of fans and bands, we have seen as members of different subcultures are mixed in all types of concerts How do you see the scene in relation to the times in which Hellbilly Club were in their infancy?
In our case it is good as having no clasificlable style helps us to be open to other sectors is purely pychobilly or neo rockabilly, it is not good to stay box completely. I understand that a band like The Meteors did not quite like they have other styles and other fans that are not purely psychos, but we do what we like and think we should.
What a course for you have toured with legends such as Tim Worman and Paul Roman? I guess neither hubieseis imagined ten years ago.
Well, that's the VIP area of \u200b\u200bthe scene:) Both Tim and Paul are great professionals and leading two of our favorite bands ever. It was amazing to work with Tim P. It is unfortunate that puedieramos not do more ... It is also a very funny guy. Roman Paul kept in touch and hopefully long While we know it. It was incredible to "50 Guns & 100 Men" with him. We learned a lot from both Tim and Paul ... We're pretty lucky
What do you think bands like Pharaohs return, Ricochets, Sunny Domestozs or Boppin Kids, among others, after many years of silence?
not look bad, but it is something that in my point of view is good for them and for the fans. Time does not forgive anyone. I think it would be much better to return to the stage but as new bands. I respect him but not something that I like a lot, especially if the band tries to do what he did 20 years ago ... It would be nice if they were bands that evolve but if you do not want to live I see a bit of nostalgia. In my case, I've seen some bands that have returned after 20 years almost in silence, or that had been separated and have come together to play again and for me it is no longer the same and in some cases is almost grotesque ... It is as if Clint Eastwood returned to The Good, The Bad And the Ugly today ...
Projects ...
level will record a little rest, as between 'No More Parasites' and 'Zombie Faces' recordings and productions have covered a lot in a short time. At least 1 year and a half for another new album. The issue of live we will move much more than in 2009. Probably haremos una gira por España y lo que es seguro es la gira que haremos este próximo marzo en Inglaterra de cuatro conciertos. En nuestras webs están las fechas confirmadas.
Carta blanca, podéis añadir los que os plazca
Hasta pronto y comprad nuestros albumes y venid a nuestros conciertos : ) Muchas gracias especialmente a ti y a todos los lectores. / hellbillyclubhome
We consider
Hellbilly Club a band and stage veteran Neo / Psycho national . After releasing their first jobs Crazy Love Records, they were then to return to desktop publishing, in this his fifth album, a label specializing, in particular Raucous Records. Faces Zombie can be summarized as a fast, powerful and straight to the point. Those familiar with the Catalan trio record, you will notice in this record is a clear regression in their ways. The echoes Stray Cats, Reverend Horton Heat or Quakes give way to a typically European Psychobilly sound. Here you will find yourself not instrumental drastic change of pace, half-times and versions, and own self-produced six songs, just the sound of a theremin and a pair of voice effects to dress lightly overlook the disc. If you like the music of the early Frenzy, GuanaBatz, Torment, Phantom Rockers, enjoy the Old School Pure Hellbilly.

You carry more than a decade on the road, with an average of two albums a year Is it so hard to keep a journey from the Underground?
because the truth is yes .. hard at trying to enter the 'front door' in the music market ... Also we love doing what we do and that compensates.
Faces Zombie you show in a more raw sound and your look to Europe trends Does this mean a shift in the direction of the band or simply wanted to show the dark side of Hellbilly Club?
is simply a parenthesis. Faces Zombie actually goes a bit against our principles. Always try to innovate within the psychobilly / rockabilly. We never wanted to sound like this or that or do this way or that way, because it abounds too much and because we do not go with us. Zombie Faces But we have a sort of nod to old-school psychobilly, a little to meet part of our musical tastes and to pay homage to this style and their fans outraged by new psychobilly bands that mix metal and styles and so pissed off the purists:) .. But as I say, is only a parenthesis.
I guess maybe you can not get many trick in this, do not you think that the characteristics of the disc could have been a good idea to edit it in vinyl ...
in this case depends on the label and personally we would have loved, but to edit it on vinyl, you do it even more underground ... who knows, maybe it is a reissue on vinyl in the future ..
The only variable since Hellbilly Club seems to be the drummer. As I have understood, Rafa Berrakero is no longer with you and play with you again David Raya right? Would you give a hard time with Marc battery level, Rafa or David and also enjoy a style so defined?
because the truth is yes. The problem is that no holdings of 16 years and is difficult to find someone who has skills, conpromiso, time, desire and not Talladega. We had a lot of batteries, at least ten or twelve, and we found everything ... some played well but were just unpresentable .. and sometimes the reverse. I hope David Raya is final.

Throughout your career you have had several parallel bands, some nearly as Hellbilly Spin Offs Surfin 'Club "Tennis is an urgent need to show your tastes extraHellbillies? Do you open the doors to these bands new scenarios? How is the currency of Atomic Leopards? Hellbilly
Surfin 'Club band was more than other brackets for a single concert and band instruments. Unfortunately it does not 'see light' as it has suspended the only show that he would do under that name next June in Calella. Regarding the other bands that we parallel, now both David and I are with Martin Degville Sigue Sigue Sputnik and Atomic Leopards. We really have many musical tastes than the rockabilly and psychobilly ... In fact we can get to like almost anything if we 'get', as the case of Sigue Sigue Sputnik, which is rather r'n'r mail .. . Atomic Leopards is the style that initially more influenced us and that is all I really do not have HC as a classic cliches. Neorockabilly We love the 80's in the wave Stray Cats and the Polecats mixed with 60's, blues, etc ... is a band that also started as fun and we ended up taking it a bit more seriously. We have finished recording other album (the third) and will be released soon also Raucous Records. Most of the tracks are versions, as we let our inspiration as composers will side towards HC.
In the last few years have seen new generations of fans and bands, we have seen as members of different subcultures are mixed in all types of concerts How do you see the scene in relation to the times in which Hellbilly Club were in their infancy?
In our case it is good as having no clasificlable style helps us to be open to other sectors is purely pychobilly or neo rockabilly, it is not good to stay box completely. I understand that a band like The Meteors did not quite like they have other styles and other fans that are not purely psychos, but we do what we like and think we should.
What a course for you have toured with legends such as Tim Worman and Paul Roman? I guess neither hubieseis imagined ten years ago.
Well, that's the VIP area of \u200b\u200bthe scene:) Both Tim and Paul are great professionals and leading two of our favorite bands ever. It was amazing to work with Tim P. It is unfortunate that puedieramos not do more ... It is also a very funny guy. Roman Paul kept in touch and hopefully long While we know it. It was incredible to "50 Guns & 100 Men" with him. We learned a lot from both Tim and Paul ... We're pretty lucky
What do you think bands like Pharaohs return, Ricochets, Sunny Domestozs or Boppin Kids, among others, after many years of silence?
not look bad, but it is something that in my point of view is good for them and for the fans. Time does not forgive anyone. I think it would be much better to return to the stage but as new bands. I respect him but not something that I like a lot, especially if the band tries to do what he did 20 years ago ... It would be nice if they were bands that evolve but if you do not want to live I see a bit of nostalgia. In my case, I've seen some bands that have returned after 20 years almost in silence, or that had been separated and have come together to play again and for me it is no longer the same and in some cases is almost grotesque ... It is as if Clint Eastwood returned to The Good, The Bad And the Ugly today ...
Projects ...
level will record a little rest, as between 'No More Parasites' and 'Zombie Faces' recordings and productions have covered a lot in a short time. At least 1 year and a half for another new album. The issue of live we will move much more than in 2009. Probably haremos una gira por España y lo que es seguro es la gira que haremos este próximo marzo en Inglaterra de cuatro conciertos. En nuestras webs están las fechas confirmadas.

Carta blanca, podéis añadir los que os plazca
Hasta pronto y comprad nuestros albumes y venid a nuestros conciertos : ) Muchas gracias especialmente a ti y a todos los lectores. / hellbillyclubhome
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