Tuesday, April 26, 2011

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I Am Legend

As often happens to me, the title of the post Espar not talk about a song or a bad movie (Will Smith in this case), but one of the greats of football. The fact is that it came to Gelsenkirchen ManchesterUnited as favorite did not disappoint, the bathroom has given Germans alos does have one foot in the final of the Champions League , which would be their third final in the last four seasons (and know quehubiese spent last season without the untimely injury Rooney). Forseers something very few, got from the knowledge to compete at all nivelesformando a real team that only lost 5 games of the 53 hadisputado in the current season, and will arrive at Wembley without receiving any away goal.

But today's match has been a protagonist, is that Ryan Giggs, to 37 years and 148 days (data @ 2010MisterChip ) has become the oldest player who managed to score in a Champions League partidode. What Giggs was at the Veltins Arena was breaking unabarrera that Manuel Neuer based great saves was put in charge of NLOS delantede Red Devils, and especially "Chicharito" and the second he had, the Wales managed to beat the hasOne as a substitute that Van der Sar in goal for the Red Devils.

And it is striking that 21 years after turning pro, that guy was vistoprimero Welsh by Manchester City and Kenny Dalglish to Liverpool, but was the ManU máslisto that took him to their academy, keep playing this fútbolcon of the same freshness and joy when it debuted at Old Trafford against alEverton in 1991. Thirty-two titles under his belt with only a mole, that of not being able to play any torneoimportante with your selection, and was never able to play for England, as speculated. Today a new page in the biography of one of the lessthan football. Legend .

Monday, April 25, 2011

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The Old Firm of coaches

comes the last Old Firm this season between the package noticiadel pump which unfortunately was the Celtic coach, NeilLennon. And Ibrox came as a dull game, perhaps more than the 7disputados this season, just some good work from Jelavic and paradoresde McGregor put salt at a party much more than expected, especially as was at stake.

surprised that visitors did not play Commons that parecíahaberle taken as the eternal rival, as it seems that happened to Samaras. Among the tie worth (and that despite going a point behind, Catholics have a partidosmenos) and playing outside home, Lennon men preferred to take other precautions algunaque did they get stuck in attack. While the sad truth was that losque really needed the three points, did not seem that buscasencomo if they were living at it. And is that Walter Smith (who ran his últimoOld Firm) is not a coach that is characterized by joy offensive.

The second half was more of the same, although Celtic ocasionesdel began to appear more clearly, even in the absence of diezminutos, was awarded a penalty exist that could decide the Scottish PremierLeague for visitors but McGregor dejarlotodo reappeared for the same. There are now 4 and 5 games (to Rangers and Celtic respectively) will surely give the Bhoys comocampeones, since it seems difficult, not impossible, you have setbacks.

the final whistle came the worst of coaches, while Walter Smith Celtic accused of putting pressure on referees to get favors (not to be acordardel penalty whistled him in the first Old Firm this season, and allowed him to climb). Lennonprovocó the blue tier, getting by Unfortunately, the applause of the "cork" that provocation nineties but is against him. Two entirely avoidable, which unfortunately luegopor (as in all of cork forests), have unpleasant consequences .

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

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Promo Art for Footbag

Ei, I bring you the poster / "official image" of the U.S. Footbag Championships to be held this summer occurring during the month of August.

Hope you like!

Monday, April 18, 2011

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The "ugly game" triumphs at Wembley

was played the semifinals of the FA Cup this weekend at Wembley, all could be summed up in a very simplistic, perhaps too, in that dosganadores were least we have come to delight with a good football , understood as such that routinely practice equiposcomo Arsenal for example.

But until that point that play "ugly" is unacritica ? Rather it is a way of describing a computer game, queseguramente not the correct way, but the easiest to understand. To ellovamos to see as a team that is a compliment to another is itself usually means that Slovenian worldwide. And is that what they are doing TonyPulis with potters is a big job, because with limited resources, has managed to achieve results as exploiting players másbeneficio going to get precisely what he does for Barcelona. Why Messi Queuña slalom (for continue the example) has to be applauded?, anda set pieces or throw for Delap Huth finally finish no, if alfin After all, both have done the same, enjoy its benefits to conseguiranotar more goals than the opposing .

Front Bolton graciasa getting along very soon that Etherington, a great time, took advantage of a mistake at the start of balónde the trotters, and from there already he knew it would be very difficult remontarlea worked as a team more. From there to the end, only to see how ibancayendo goals, to the 5-0 final, constructed from a good job online líneaa .

While the other semifinal was the Manchester derby , sinRooney or Tevez. And ManU surprised because the domain again, but the tenderness deCarrick took advantage Yaya Toure to score the only goal ymeter to the Citizens in the final of the FA Cup after 30 years.

A Citizens who do not play entertaining football that , especially because their coach does not want. Because resources to spare for hacerlocon Silva, Yaya Toure, Milner, Barry and Adam Johnson, the Italian Manciniprefiere with people like Vieira De Jong or comomuchas wasting resources has sometimes been seen this season. And this City is able to hacerlomuy well as Craven Cottage (area of \u200b\u200bgreat difficulty) the same campaign, but will play in a manner for which they are not built is one of loserrores this Manchester City, which despite all can sign a lasmejores campaigns in its history.

Friday, April 15, 2011

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The new star of the End of the road

would come the winter market and the crisis that was going the Rangers looked like they would sell their most valuable asset, the team goleadordel Kenny Miller . The Scottish international had 21 goals, and even lafecha is the top scorer in the Scottish Premier League with a serious chance to be final if detemporada Gary Hooper does not intervene.

That was when the Glasgow team had to take ladecisión to sell to Turkish football to get some money, which combines help bankrupt economy, you just have to see that taken away from Celtic paying KrisCommons only £ 500,000, little more than they would enter by Miller. Yentre the sale of the star, the pillars and injuries McCulloch, Naismith young Ness All eyes on a person to avoid elnaufragio of Gers.

was Croatian, Nikica Jelavic, which has since unpaso forward by forgetting the serious injury earlier this season, to follow goals based the wake of the Bhoys in classification and inclusoganarles the first title of the season in Scotland. And, in the final of the League Cup in HampdenPark was one of the best goal scoring team in the extension that ledaba his first title in the islands.

Not everything has been Hence, in the last two outputs (anteHamilton and Aberdeen), two separate screamers have made the distance of two puntosno expanded, and within just one week is the last Old Firm of latemporada, you might choose another title again and this time will be at Ibrox Park, home of the new crack that came from the Rapid Vienna (4.3 million £), last paraseguir steps Croatian managed to succeed in the SPL, Dado Prso.

Hamilton 0-1 Rangers (Jelavic '44)

Aberdeen 0-1 Rangers (Jelavic '22)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

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Seterminó the European season for a club that had never participated in the Champions League, and yet has done the most meritorious participation rivals chelae and the hype has always given were located among the most difícilesque could touch him.

all started with a goal from Crouch COMS in Manchester, but it seemed that as he would go to Everton, and that sleep may break after unadesastrosa first part in Switzerland, where the Spurs reached trailing 3-0, but in a fit of personality Huddlestone to his head and a hat trickde Crouch got back in return officially Europe's top competition morethan 50 years later. In the group stage began verdaderasdificultades, as the respective drums played the most coeficienteUefa had (led Inter Pot 1 for being the current champion).

No problems at White Hart Lane vacíoy all went to a couple of draws out (in Bremen and Eschende) did the rest paraterminar as group listed in the draw as a group dela death . Gone Bale displays to Maicon, dePavlyuchenko penalties against Twente, and goals from Crouch .

Then came the eighth, a hardened milbatallas Milan and Calcio leader did not appear to be rival the best round of the Champions League as group winners haberquedado. But the extraordinary knockout S andro and a goal by Crouch (again, and now they are many) did see the Spurs noer a headless chicken playing to score a goal rather than the contrary; itplayed if need to do other things, he also knew.

play in the quarter nearly harder, and lesióninoportuna, expulsion Crouch silly (a lot of goals above to "hit" as much as it was) against a top team opcionespero left Tottenham without knowing who had already served more than the target. Because of the usual youth reigned Ysola Gallas, Van der Vaart with Crouch knew that it was the C hampions League, but mainly because despite everything, still alive in the best league in the world with back elobjetivo to play a tournament that has permeated the Lane, yquieren return.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

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No trainer is impossible

not necessary to be a lynx to see that Chelsea of esteaño no carburetor. The two players are better and more brillenactualmente season may be Ivanovic and David Luiz since his arrival in winter, begins to show the miseries of a club that has spent £ 111 million (34 in summer and the rest in lapareja David Luiz Torres-winter) and is no chance of missing even when unmes title and a half before the season is over.

all started very well, with a bright streak where lasgoleadas followed one after another, though it is true that anterivales always lower-level But after some unexpected setback (as at Newcastle Carling Cup), everything began to turn since the departure of Ray Wilkins pormotivos unexplained, although it seems that Abramovich was detrásde everything. There began a series of defeats and draws that brought down a losblues of the fight for the title to the fight for fourth place.

In January, with new signings and recovery after injury seemed deefectivos the flight would resume despite algúnbuen chain game (have been among the few who have managed to beat ManU this season) the removal of FA Cup (on penalties), the despedidadefinitiva of the struggle for the Premiership and yesterday, another year without getting the treasure Russian queel been looking for since his arrival, he notes that the way things are done losblues Not correct.

With a midfield with a physical strength like few others, Perosino a pinch of creation, while McEachran is not this in elbanquillo for emergencies, is playing with the U18 FAYC or Yossi Benayoun, following sindisponer of minutes from Liverpool came to seek, balls seem difícilque reach around front with a Lampard free otrosaños spark, and the rest of the media that destroy rather than create, only a spark deMalouda do see some light.

Yesterday's presence on the bench Drogba, for truly jinxed unTorres face-to-door, was shot in the foot queAncelotti needed to make sure the coach will not be holding on labutaca Stamford Bridge next year, and is urging changes, but overall a keeper off the field (sounds around Hiddink for example) and inside (a Modric for example) to some heavyweight template delcalibre know Chelsea where to go.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

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Football in Latin

The football is art, as art has a common bond with other arts such as language. It is not uncommon to see English teams shields slogans or slogans in Latin , let's take a quick look at those who are and what they mean.

first thing you see when you enter the website of Everton is something like "Nil Satis Nisi Optimum" with English translation attached "Nothing but the Best" the sentence represents an extraordinary spirit of overcoming the toffees, something like "nothing but the best is enough good. "This slogan also appears on the shield and is not the only one who has something.

The Manchester City also has a slogan like " Superbia in Praeli " which means" Pride in battle "something that should not be misconstrued as the word pride is not included in a negative tone, but as a synonym for pride. Also Blackburn Rovers carries in his coat " Arte et Labore " to say that only with quality is not sufficient because we must also add the "skill and work." And the Sunderland at the top is the motto "Consectatio Excellentiae ", ie," In Search of Excellence. "

These are the teams in the Premier with slogans on the shield, plus a "Prepared" taken by the villains. But in a recent past the number was higher because the Spurs have the familiar "Auder est facere" , to spur on the web that decorates the edges with their English translation, which means "Where there is power." And Arsenal had "Victoria Concordia Crescit" who came to say that the victory was born of harmony.

Also in Championship there are others such as Barnsley (see) carry a "Spectemur Agenda" with two men working, which means "Let us be seen doing things," a phrase of Ovid, a poet of the time the Romans. And many people take their nicknames, like "Bluebirds", "Irons" or "Tigers" but that is another story.